About Us

Welcome to the Capital City Chapter of Muskies, Inc.

The Capital City Chapter of Muskies, Inc. (CCMI) is a chapter of Muskies, Inc. (MI), which is an active, service-oriented, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization for men, women and children.MI has over 6,000 members and 50 independent local chapters throughout the country. We have become a national voice of the protection of the muskie species. MI is widely recognized as the first organized group of anglers to espouse the “Catch and Release” practice now embraced by many conservation minded groups throughout North America.

CCMI is one of the largest MI chapters, with approximately 350 members, most of whom come from the immediate Madison, Wisconsin area, but many of whom live in other parts of the state and country.

Today CCMI and MI focus on three critical areas: Youth, Fisheries, and Research.

Youth– CCMI seeks to provide quality programs and activities to educate youth to ensure the future of the fishery and continuation of sound conservation practices.

Fisheries– CCMI works to conserve, protect and restore muskie fisheries in Wisconsin. Areas of concern include habitat preservation, water quality, water management policies, and the development/maintaining of self-sustaining fish populations.

Research– CCMI seeks to support local projects and activities that involve improving muskie fisheries.

CCMI sponsors local outings, outings in northern Wisconsin, Iowa, and Canada, a youth tournament, a muskie school, and an Awards Ceremony meeting. Members are encouraged to become involved in local projects and events.

CCMI is very proud of its close relationship with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Together, we work on a local stocking program and a stocking study which will have statewide implications. The stocking program has made the Madison-area lakes a world-class muskie fishery. We invite you to our meetings and events. They are great opportunities to meet other anglers who share a passion for youth involvement in the sport of fishing, protecting the environment and muskie habitat, as well as muskie fishing, learning and having fun.

Muskies Inc member services include a subscription to Muskie Magazine, a publication of Muskies, Inc., and access to Muskies, Inc.’s “Lunge Log,” an online fishing log for all MI members. Locally, CCMI members receive a monthly newsletter complete with up-to-date fishing information and information on chapter-organized outings, events and other activities.

In addition, CCMI offers many, many opportunities for members to increase their knowledge and skills, and to become involved in local activities and events. Monthly membership meetings, featuring expert speakers on the sport of muskie fishing, are held from September through May. There are two summer “On-the-Water” meetings. A spring fishing seminar, which serves as a fundraiser for our stocking efforts, is held annually featuring a nationally known muskie expert.

Additionally, CCMI sponsors local outings, outings in northern Wisconsin, Iowa, and Canada, a youth tournament, a muskie school, and an Awards Ceremony meeting.  Members may also become involved in local projects and events, including numerous fishing contests.  CCMI is very proud of its close relationship with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.  Together, we work on a local stocking program and a stocking study which will have statewide implications. The stocking program has made the Madison area lakes a world-class muskie fishery.We invite you to our meetings and events.  They are great opportunities to meet other anglers who share a passion for muskie fishing, to learn, and to just have fun.


Immediate Past President – Winston Hopkins

Past Presidents with Voting Rights
Geoff Crandall
Steve Reinstra
Luke VIke
Lee Bartolini

At-Large Board of Directors
Name, Email & Term Expiration

Mike Milia –mikemilia@charter.net– ’25
Todd Berge – boogerb@yahoo.com – ’25
Brett Cook – cookb@ixperts.com – ’25
Dan Donovan – djdonovan8206@gmail.com – ’25
Nathan Jandl – njandl@gmail.com – ’25
Paul Twardy – paulmarionpeter@gmail.com – ’25
Kyle Kramer – kylekramer19@gmail.com – ’25
Rob Mackesey – mackrobb@isu.edu – ’25

Robbi Hron – rhron@amfam.com – ’26
Tripp Soma – Tripp.Soma@edwardjones.com – ’26
Jeff Lyon – rectlyon@gmail.com – ’26
Brad Nelson – bradp_nelson@yahoo.com – ’26
Joe Uselman – uselman.joe@gmail.com – ’26

Vacancies: two

Newsletter Editor
Submissions due by the 15th of each month
Nathan Jandl

Membership Chairperson
Bob Baumgartner

Release Contest Chairperson
Chirs Smith


Executive Directors

Brian Falleck
Chris Smtih
Bob Baumgartner
(608) 320-6336
Chapter Rep to M.I.
Winston Hopkins
(608) 577-3184
Greg Voss