
CCMI Policies and Guidelines

The Capital City Chapter of Muskies Inc (CCMI) complies with the Bylaws of Muskies, Inc. Where permitted and not in conflict, CCMI has adopted policies and guidelines specific for our chapter.

CCMI Board of Directors, Adopted December 7, 2020
The Board of Directors shall consist of 24 members:
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chapter Representative to Muskies Inc.
14 At-Large Directors
The Immediate Past President
Four Past-Presidents with lifetime voting board member status: Geoff Crandall, Steve Reinstra, Lee Bartolini, and Luke Vike
(When a Past-Presdient with lifetime voting status relinquishes their position, the number of at-large directors shall increase by one)

Executive Committee, Adopted December 7, 2020
There shall be an Executive Committee that shall consist of the following:
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chapter Representative to Muskies Inc.

Executive Committee Authority, Adopted December 7, 2020
The Executive Committee is authorized by the Board of Directors of the Capital City Chapter of Muskies Inc. to take action on behalf of CCMI between regular or special meetings of the Chapter Board of Directors by consensus or simple majority.
CCMI Board of Directors and General Membership Voting

Voting, Adopted December 7, 2020
No proxy voting is permitted. Electronic, (email voting) is not permissible.
A voice vote is permissible using a virtual meeting platform, conference call or in-person as long as participants can hear or read any motion requiring a vote.

CCMI Committees

CCMI Outing Guidelines

Making Donations to CCMI

Advertising with CCMI Information and Pricing

Purchase Advertisement space in the CCMI newsletter or website

Advertising Sponsorship Request (CCMI Board Member use only)