
Muskies, Inc. works to conserve, protect and restore North America’s Muskie Fisheries. Areas of concern include habitat preservation, water quality, water management policies, and the development/maintaining of self-sustaining fish populations.

Musky Stocking

Since 1986 CCMI has been working with the WI DNR to stock muskies in the Madison Chain.  To Date we have stocked over 24,000 muskies into the lakes.  See our chapter’s stocking history here.

The stocking efforts have also been a part of the WI DNR Leech Lake vs Wisconsin Strain growth study.  More information here.


2017 video of stocking muskie fingerlings on Lake Monona


Wingra Spillway Kiosk

Each spring, muskies are seen jumping the Wingra spillway into Lake Wingra..  This is a great event to watch and it happens right around the middle of April.  In 2011, Capital City Muskies Inc in a joint venture with the WDNR with funding from Dane County Environmental Council, designed a kiosk that will weather the elements for many years.  The kiosk provides information on muskellunge and why they are jumping the spillway..  Bryan Foerst allowed us to use one of his big fish pictures so the viewing public gets idea just how big these muskies really get.

To the right – Cap City President Lee Bartolini (on the left) and WDNR’s Kurt Welke Dane County’s Fisheries Manager stand behind the newly installed sign at the Wingra Spillway.  It should be a great tool for each spring allowing observers more info on muskies when they are attempting to get into Lake Wingra.

Babcock Park Improvements

In 2020, CCMI donated to the Dane County Parks Department to improve handicap fishing at Babcock park.  See more information here