Wisconsin Youth Muskie Championship

Join us for the 2025 WYMC!!

June 14, 2025 – Lake Waubesa
7am – 12pm

Click here to Register Online

  • Friendly tournament. We do give out prizes and trophies, but the idea is to simply have a good time fishing.
  • FREE to all youth age 18 and under.
  • Prizes for all participants
  • Tournament Headquarters will take place at Lake Farm Park Shelter #2 and boat ramp
  • Adults may accompany youth in the boat. We encourage participants (or their parents) to bring their boat. Otherwise, we will do our best to match you with a boat.

Click here to Register Online

The Wisconsin Youth Muskie Championship is a free event to all youth participants.  This is accomplished with the assistance of our gracious sponsors and through donations.  If you would like to support this event, you can donate to our youth programs through our online donation page.

June 15th, 2024 – Lake Waubesa
7am – 12 pm

The 2024 Wisconsin Youth Muskie Championship was held on June 15th. We had a record turnout of 49 participants ranging from age 4-17. The musky fishing was tough, and though many were seen, none were caught. The anglers did manage 12 northerns. Everyone enjoyed pizza and shared stories from the day at Goodland Park afterwards.

1st: Gemma Miller 26″ (pike)
2nd: Jackson Harris 26″ (pike)
3rd: Wyatt Stano 24.75″ (pike)

Thanks to all who came out, the committee chaired by Robbi Hron for putting this all together, and a special shout out to the CCMI members who volunteered their time and gear to take kids out who didn’t have a boat. We couldn’t do this without you or our sponsors…

  • Dorn Outdoor Pro Shop
  • Pike Lake Tackle
  • Spanky Baits
  • Suick
  • Lake X
  • Lakewood

We hope to see everyone next June!




June 24, 2023 – Lake Waubesa

The Youth Muskie Championship of Wisconsin was held on Lake Waubesa June 24th. This FREE event had 37 anglers including 7 young ladies. Ages ranged from 4 to 18 years old. There were 23 northerns caught from 22-30 inches and one 44 inch musky! The weather did not help, it was very hot with very little wind. We had to end the tournament an hour early because water temps were getting very close to the 80 degree mark. Everyone made their way back to tournament headquarters at Goodland Park where they enjoyed some pizza and some great raffle prizes.
A huge thank you goes out to all the volunteers, those who planned and set up the event and those that donated their time to take some kids out and use their gear. We could not have done it without you. Our sponsors include: Noah Humfeld and Madison Angling Guide Service, Dorn Outdoor Pro Shop, Suick, Spanky Baits, Lakewood, Just Encase, Team Rhino Outdoors, Pike Lake Tackle Co., Fleet Farm, Take A Vet Fishing, Spartan Bowl for the pizzas, Justagame Impressions for the shirts. Thanks to them we had some great prizes to give away!

1st Place – Ephraim McMullin 44″ Musky
2nd Place – Quinn OGrady 30″ Pike
3rd Place – Carson Disch 27.75″ Pike

Congrats to the winners. Thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s tournament. We hope to see you next year!

June 11, 2022 – Lake Monona

We were finally able to host this event after 2 years of cancellations due to Covid and high-water temps.  We had 49 attendees, new event record, which shows the excitement these youth have for this event.  This year’s event was hosted on Lake Monona and fishing started at 7 am and was completed at noon with lunch and awards following.  The weather was over cast with some fog as the participants started the day which eventually gave way to some sun before more clouds rolled back in.  There were no muskies caught this year but we did have several on that were not able to make to the net.  So, the top winners were judged by the largest pike caught.

1st Place –  Ethan Wiluth – 32 “ Pike

2nd Place – Zach Stall – 25” Pike

3rd Place – Nick Taylor – 23” Pike

Each participant received a gift bag with three baits, two leaders, and stickers.  Prizes included reels, rods, lures, tackle boxes, guided fishing trips, and a net.   Thanks to our incredible partners and sponsors for this great event:

Muskies, Inc., Capital City Muskies, Inc., Madison Fishing Expo, Dorn Pro Shop, Madison Angling Guide Service, Thorne Brothers, Spanky Baits, Team Rhino, Lakewood Tackle Company, Duffy Kopf, and Lee Bartolini.

Lastly, none of this could have been done without the assistance of our wonderful committee:  Steve Soma, Tripp Soma, Paul Twardy, Brett Cook, Doug Burke, and TJ Weisensel.


1st Place – Ethan Wiluth

2nd Place – Zach Stall

3rd Place – Nick Taylor

June 12, 2021 – Lake Waubesa & Lake Monona

The 2021 WYMC was canceled due to water temperatures over 80 degrees.

Raffle prizes were given out during the Zoom Rules meeting.

We hope to see you next year for the 2022 Wisconsin Youth Muskie championship

The 2020 Wisconsin Youth Muskie Championship has been canceled. 

The 2021 WYMC will be held on June 12, 2021.

JUNE 8th, 2019 – Lake Waubesa, Goodland Park in Madison, WI
Tournament Results

Alex Larson with the winning 33 1/8 inch Pike


Blue bird skies and calm winds greeted the 47 participants for this years CCMI Youth Muskie Tournament.

Lee Tauchen and Robbi Jarnigo from Today’s Angler kicked off the event with a short update on the fishing conditions and some tips for getting fish in the boat.

The fishing started at 7 am and it didn’t take long to register a fish.  The winning fish was caught a few minutes later.  Although there were several follows during the event the muskies were not in the biting mood.  That however did not deter the Northern Pike.  A total of 26 Northerns were boated during the event.  Several youngsters boated multiple fish.

This years winners are as follows: 1st place: Alex Larson 33 1/8 inch Pike 2nd place: Eshaam Soin 30 ¾ inch Pike 3rd place: Forrest Waddell 30 inch Pike

Alex Larson

Each participant received a gift bag with 2 baits, 2 leaders, stickers and tape measure.  The tournament ended at 2pm with a catered lunch and prize drawings.  Over 100 baits, tools, tackle, 5 rod reel combos, Frabill net and guided fishing trip were given out thanks to our wonderful partners in the event.

A special thank you to our partners and sponsors for this great event.

Muskies Inc, Capital Cities Muskies Inc, Madison Fishing Expo, Scott Jolly – River Rat Guide Service,  Lee Tauchen and Robbi Jarnigo – Today’s Angler, Suick, Thorne Brothers, Dorn Pro Shop, Fleet Farm, Sparky Baits, Rutabaga, Pike Lake Tackle

Last, none of this could have been done without the assistance of our great committee: Robbi Hron, Paul Twardy, Brian Falleck, Doug and Hedy Burke, and Richard Storch



Eshaan Soin placed 2nd with a 30 ¾ inch Pike


Forrest Waddell placed 3rd with a 30 inch Pike