39th Annual Fishing Seminar & Fundraiser
Click here to Purchase Tickets
Online Tickets sales end April 8, 10:00 PM.
Location TBD and will be announced soon.
The Capital City Chapter of Muskies, Inc. is holding its 39th Fishing Seminar & Fundraiser on Saturday, April 12th .
Our featured speaker this year is Jeff Van Remortel. 
Doors open at 9:00 AM and the first raffle is at 10:00 AM. Seminar Presentation starts at 11:00 AM.
This is the major fundraising event for those activities that make CCMI so special. Please join us and support our commitments to youth muskie fishing, stocking muskies in our lakes, improving our fisheries, and furthering muskie research.
I encourage you to attend this event and to invite and/or bring along your fellow Muskie anglers from far and wide!
There will be two general board raffles, several pothole raffles, a playing card raffle, and outstanding super raffles. You will have a chance to win rods, reels, lures, and more!
Registration cost includes Lunch. Cash Bar will be available.
Click here to Purchase Tickets
Online Tickets sales end April 8, 10:00 PM.
Online Registration:
$35 – Muskies Inc Members
$40 – non-members
$20 – Youth (13-17)
12 & Younger are FREE!
With your online purchase, number of entries purchased will be entered for a chance to win a New Rod & Reel Combo!
Registration available at the door:
$50 – Adults
$20 – Youth (13-17)
Purchase Raffle Tickets in Advance and Save (Online Registration only)
- Lake Waubesa Offer: Receive $35 worth of Raffle Tickets for $25*
- Lake Monona Offer: Receive $75 worth of Raffle Tickets for $50*
*Advance Tickets May Only be Used for the 2 “Board” Raffles or the “Pothole” Raffles*
**Raffle Tickets Available for Sale at the Event Also**
Thanks very much for your support. We look forward to seeing you at this fun and entertaining event.