
Muskies, Inc. continues to seek out Elevate And Fund Research for local projects and activities that involve improving Muskie fisheries.


Wisconsin VS Leech Lake strain study with WI DNR

In 2004, WI DNR Fisheries Research initiated a project to evaluate growth potential of native Chippewa River Basin muskellunge and Leech Lake muskellunge in Madison Lakes. The WI DNR developed this project in response to angler interest in genetically based differences in growth potential.  The Leech Lake muskie strain will be compared with the Wisconsin strain of barred muskies to see which strain is best suited for the state’s waters. The Leech Lake strain is the beginning of a “through and comprehensive multi-year experiment.” Before their release, the muskies are “tagged” with a passive-integrated-transponder (PIT) inserted in their body. These PIT tags allow technicians and helping anglers to record data for research when a “wand” is passed over the fish. The data recorded has when the fish was stocked, the measureables, and the initial muskie size.

Article:  A Muskies, Inc. & DNR Collaboration – Muskie Magazine

Article: Muskie stocking continues on Madison lakes – Gary Engberg, Wisconsin State Journal

Pit-tag Challenge

Since 2013, CCMI has held a Pit-Tag challenge on Lake Monona.  This day long fishing event is to catch and scan muskies for Pit Tags that were implanted when the fish were stocked.  The length and pit-tag information is then provided to the WI DNR to further their studies.

Lunge Log

One of the most notable accomplishments of Muskies, Inc. relates to the establishment of the Lunge Log database in 1970.
The Lunge Log is a standardized voluntary reporting system through which members of Muskies, Inc. register Muskellunge they catch and, by doing so, participate in an annual members-only fishing contest (MOFC).

Large, long-term databases focused on Muskellunge are extremely rare. The Lunge Log database contains more than 370,000 entries, with up to 28 data fields per entry, so it serves as a valuable resource to scientists and managers.

Read more about the History and Effectiveness of the Lunge Log here