Vilas County Outing


October 11, 2024 - October 12, 2024    
All Day

Event Type

The annual Vilas County Muskie 2-day Outing will be held Friday, October 11th and Saturday, October 12th, 2024.  This is a friendly outing for CCMI members, family and friends.  You do not have to be a CCMI member to participate.

Download and Print Signup Sheet

All participants must submit a waiver of liability form in order to participate in the outing.  Please print out the waiver of liability form at the CCMI website and submit it to Dale Anderson with your outing and/or banquet fee payment.  Following is a link to the form.

The outing banquet will be held at the Rustic Roadhous, located at 5194 S, US Hwy 51, Manitowish Waters. There will be “fish stories” at the bar (cash bar) at 5:30 p.m. with dinner served around 7:00 p.m. Awards, Door Prizes and Raffles after the dinner.  Folks may attend the dinner and not participate in the outing.  For additional information on the Rustic Roadhaus, including directions/location, visit their website at

The dinner will be a choice of 3 entrees:

  • Prime Rib (Queen Cut) with Baked Potato
  • Grilled Shrimp Alfredo over Pasta
  • BBQ Ribs with Baked Potato

All entrees include a side salad, bread, and dessert!  The cost of the banquet is $33 per person inclusive of gratuity.


  • If only participating in the Outing: $7.00 per person
  • If only attending the Banquet: $33.00 per person
  • If participating in both the Outing and Banquet: $40.00 per person


Muskies caught from 7:00 a.m. Friday, October 11th, to 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 12th, will be eligible for awards!  There is no sign in.  Report all muskies caught by 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 12th, to Dale Anderson at the Rustic Roadhaus.  To be eligible for an award, a witness is required (an outing participant for all entries) AND your outing fee must be received prior to the start of the outing (prior to October 11th).  Photographs of fish caught are requested (Digital or Polaroid).  This is a Catch and Release contest only!  Artificial baits and Quick Set sucker rigs are allowed – no swallow hooks for suckers!

Participants must comply with all WDNR regulationsGas motor trolling is allowed during this outing.  Only muskies that are 30 inches or longer are eligible for an award, except for the “smallest” muskie category!  Measure fish to the quarter-inch to help in a tie-breaker situation.   Eligible waters are any body of water located within Vilas County, Wisconsin.

Winners may only win in one category!  Walnut Plaques will be given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place:

  • Largest muskie by length in inches
  • Second largest muskie by length in inches
  • Third largest muskie by length in inches
  • Smallest muskie by length in inches-gets a Muskie Base trophy

Download and Print Signup Sheet

We will need all sign-up sheets and money no later than October 4th, 2024.   Please mail your outing/banquet fee, meal choice form, and waiver of liability form to:

Dale Anderson
PO Box 384
Mercer  WI  54547

If you have any questions concerning the outing, contact Dale Anderson at (608) 852-0245 (text or call).

Drawings will be held for door prizes for outing participants.  Folks who attend the banquet but do not participate in the outing are not eligible for door prizes.  We are also planning on doing a separate “Muskie Gear” Raffle again this year, with some great prizes!  We hope you can join us for this FUN-tastic outing!